Sunday, January 4, 2015

All About Shadow People

Have you ever seen some energy out of the corner of your eye and when you looked, nothing was there? More and more people are talking about seeing shadow people and are wondering who they are and what their purpose is.

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Who are shadow people?

Shadow people are commonly reported as being seen through peripheral vision and while you may feel something was there, the shadow person is either gone or quickly moving away from you by the time you turn your head.

Parallel dimensional beings

In an interview with Art Bell on Coast to Coast AM, Harley SwiftDeer Reagan, referred to as “Thunder Strikes” in this particular interview, stated that shadow people are parallel dimensional beings who were first recorded by indigenous people in 1153 BC.
Thunder mentioned how there was an awakening between 1980 through 2000 and beginning in 2001, there began “The Quickening” in which events and time seems to be speeding up.  As this is occurring, shadow people are becoming visible as frequencies raise.
Thunder stated the shadow people, who he calls, “inorganic beings” live in a paralleldimension and feed off of our emotional discharge of energy along with chaos.  In essence, shadow people are energy vampires.
Many report seeing shadow people wearing a cloak or a shroud. Some may appear to be dressed in robe-like apparel.  Although they have been reported in many shapes and sizes, many people describe them as small, human-like figures with red eyes.

Psychological circumstances

According to wiki, several physiological and psychological conditions can account for reported experiences of shadow people. These include sleep paralysis, illusions, or hallucinations brought on by physiological or psychological circumstances, drug use or side effects of medication, and the interaction of external agents on the human body. Another reason that could be behind the illusion is sleep deprivation, which may lead to hallucinations.

Who can I talk to about shadow people???

One of the most difficult parts about shadow people is feeling like you have no one to talk to about your experience without other people think you’re crazy.  Fortunately, more and more people are talking about shadow people as this has become a widely talked about phenomenon.  Ultimately, one might want to use discernment with who he or she talks to regarding shadow people, but one can always go to metaphysical websites, such as In5D, and find forums or live chats to talk to like-minded people about a wide range of topics, including shadow people.  As you realize that you’re not alone, you will find comfort knowing that many other people around the world are experiencing the same experience.

Why are shadow people appearing to me?

Another difficult issue is understanding why these people are appearing.  One also has to ask why shadow people appear at night and not in the day?
A possible explanation could be found somewhere between metaphysics and quantum physics.  It is possible that as our 3rd dimensional veil lifts, we are becoming more perceptive to beings on different dimensions or who have different vibrations.  As dimensions merge and overlap, it is quite possible that many more strange, unexplainable phenomena will appear.

Animals and shadow people

Animals may be more perceptive to shadow people than humans.  According to Thunder, cats seem to be the most perceptive to shadow people which is understandable as they have superior night vision. You might also see your dog appearing to be looking at something that may not be visible to you.

Possible theories about shadow people

Another theory about shadow people is that they are deceased humans who either do not ant to return back to Source or are unaware that “home” is no longer here.
Some people also believe that shadow people are time travelers.

How to protect yourself from shadow people

If you feel you have been visited by shadow people, there are ways to protect yourself.  Ultimately, you will need to overcome your fear because until you do, then they will continue to feed off of it.  In the meanwhile, you can do what is recommended to people who meditate:
The first thing you will want to do is to relax by breathing in deeply through your nose, holding it briefly in your solar plexus stomach area, then slowly release your breath through your mouth.  While doing this, you can also begin to do a relaxation exercise.  Bring your chin down to your chest, and then slowly lift your head all the way back.  Then return your head to the upright position and slowly move your head from side to side one time.  Return your head to the upright position.  Bring your chin down to your chest and begin to rotate your head clockwise one rotation, then reverse this process one time.  Repeat this procedure several times while breathing deeply.
You are almost ready to begin your meditation.  At this point, close your eyes and ask your spirit guides and guardian angels for protection while you are meditating.  They are eagerly awaiting to help you at all times and are more than happy to assist you.
Envision a beautiful white light emanating from the center of your body and slowly extending outwards to cover yourself from head to toe.  Try to feel this light entering all of your extremities. This is your divine spark that will help to keep you protected.
You can extend this light as far as you wish.  I often extend it to cover my room, then my house, my city, state, country, planet, galaxy and universe.


You may also consider smudging your home with some sage if you feel as though you are being visited by shadow people.  When smudging, be sure to smudge your windows, doorways and halls along with each room in your home.  You may also want to speak aloud, telling the shadow people that they are not welcome in your home anymore.

Can a shadow person attack me?

According to paranormal researcher Heidi Hollis, shadow people are malevolent supernatural entities.  While it is remotely possible that shadow people could physically hurt you perhaps through the moving of objects, they are more likely to attack you emotionally as fear is what gives them energy.

The skeptics say….

Skeptics will say that shadow people are the result of an overactive imagination but the history of shadow people and the number of occurrences seems to dictate otherwise.
Until the day comes when a shadow person can be interviewed, we may never fully know why they are appearing but if you are one of the people who is seeing them, be sure to protect yourself through meditative techniques and smudge your home as described above.

Have you seen any shadow people? If so, comment below!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Interesting Video - I wish I could explore this further

Interior of a kitchen by Martin Drölling, Louvre, 1815. Image credit: Wikipedia
L’intérieur d’une cuisine (or “Interior of a Kitchen”) by French artist Martin Drölling was completed in 1815 and exhibited at the Paris Salon Exhibition of 1817.   This painting achieved such critical acclaim that it hung at the Palais du Luxembourg long after Drölling’s death in 1817 and know hangs in the Louvre. This scene of domestic tranquility, however, hides a macabre secret- Drölling used a shade of paint called Mummy Brown.
Mummy Brown was a paint that was a deep brown that ranged in hue from burnt to raw umber. European artists and colour-makers (manufacturers of pigments) from the 16th to the 20thcentury mixed this pigment using white pitch, myrrh, and the ground up remains of Egyptian mummies and their mummified pets. Though art historians believe Drölling used the remains of French kings disinterred from the royal abbey of St. Denis in Paris, rather than ancient Egyptian remains.
Why did artists start using this macabre pigment in their paintings?
Archaeologists believe the use of human remains in paint was the result of a misidentification of embalming substances used by ancient Egyptians.
The word “mummy” is derived from the Persian and Arabic words “mum” or “mumya” that describes wax or bitumen.   Bitumen is a petroleum-based goo that was found in the Mumya Mountain of Persia and has been used as an adhesive and sealant since ancient times. When Arabic people first encountered mummies they assumed that the black gunk that covered the corpses and bandages was bitumen so they called them “mumya” or “mummy.” Though bitumen was used during the embalming process for a period of time on the Red Sea coast, oils and resins were more commonly applied to ancient Egyptian corpses. As the oils and resins aged they blackened causing the confusion that eventually led to the destruction of countless mummies over hundreds of years.
Throughout the medieval and Renaissance periods artists used bitumen as a pigment in color recipes to make paint. Because Europeans had been importing Egyptian mummies since the 16thcentury for medicinal purposes, artists believed they had a readily available source for bituminous pigments on mummies when bitumen became scarce. Mummified remains became so widely used by artists that art supply stores and colour-makers mass-produced the pigment and paint and it soon became known as Mummy Brown.
Mummy Brown eventually grew to be unpopular at the end of the 19th century because the technical qualities of the paint were considered to be subpar, authentic mummies became more difficult to obtain, and most importantly people began to realize that making and using Mummy Brown exploited the dead and another culture’s archaeological riches.
C Roberson and Co, a colour-maker and manufacturer of art supplies based in London, stopped selling the Mummy Brown some time in the 1960’s but only because they ran out of the pigment’s main ingredient. In 1964, C Roberson and Co’s managing director at the time told Time Magazine, “We might have a few odd limbs lying around somewhere, but not enough to make anymore paint.”
Today there are synthetic versions of Mummy Brown available, called mummy bauxite and caput mortuum.
Nova (Interviewer) & Salima Ikram (Interviewee). (2006). The Afterlife in Ancient Egypt [Interview transcript]. Retrieved from PBS NOVA
McCouat, P. (2013). The life and death of Mummy Brown. Journal of Art in Society. Retrieved on
Perny, M. (Retrieved on 2014, December 29). L’intérieur d’une cuisine. Retrieved from:
Torres, RL. (2013, October 31). A pigment from the depths. Retrieved from:

Archeologists discover Mythical Tomb of Osiris, God of the Dead, in Egypt

A Spanish-Italian archaeological team, in cooperation with the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities, has made an incredible discovery in the necropolis of Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, on the West Bank at Thebes, Egypt – an enormous ancient reproduction of the mythical Tomb of Osiris as described by Egyptian legend, complete with multiple shafts and chambers. Inside the tomb complex, researchers found a carving of Osiris and a room with a wall relief depicting a demon holding knives. 

Entrance to the funerary complex of Osiris. Photo credit: MinProject (Archaeological Mission Canaria-Toscana).

According to the Spanish news agency EFE, the tomb embodies all the features of the tomb of Osiris, as told in ancient Egyptian legends, and is a smaller version of the design of the Osireion, built under Egyptian pharaoh Seti I  in the city of Abydos, Luxor.  Researchers believe the tomb complex dates back to the 25th dynasty (760 - 656 BC) or 26th dynasty (672 - 525 BC), based on a comparison to similar tombs that contain Osirian elements.  The complex consists of a large hall supported by five pillars. RTVE describes the structure as having a staircase from the north wall of the main room, leading down to the funerary complex, where there is a carving of Osiris, god of the dead, in the middle of a central vaulted temple. To the west of the central temple is a funerary room with the reliefs of demons holding knives. The leader of the Spanish-Italian team that uncovered the tomb, Dr. María Milagros Álvarez Sosa, told EFE that the demons are there to protect the body of the deceased. Opposite the statue of Osiris is a staircase with a 29.5 foot (9 meter) shaft leading to another chamber. Inside this chamber is a second shaft that descends 19.6 feet (6 meters) into two more rooms, which are currently full of debris.  “The symbolism of Osiris is very evident here, since all the elements recalling the mythical Osiris tomb are present,” writes Luxor Times Magazine, “a big staircase of 3.5 meter long with a 4 meter high ceiling at the bottom leading to the Netherworld and another one leading directly to the Osiris statue, which is therefore at a higher level and ideally isolated on ‘his island’; the Osiris statue itself; the empty corridor surrounding it which symbolizes the channel of water (see Osireion in Abydos); the expected burial chamber below the statue, thus identifying the deceased with Osiris.” 

Sketch showing the outline of the tomb of Osiris. Drawing of the tomb's architecture made by Raffaella Carrera, MinProject (Archaeological Mission Canaria-Toscana).

Part of the tomb was initially discovered by archaeologist Philippe Virey in the 1880s and some attempts were made to sketch out the main structure in the 20th century. However, it was not until recently that the full extent of the structure was discovered through excavations. The funerary complex will continue to be explored and the chambers cleared of debris in the Autumn of this year. Alvarez Sosa told EFE that the tomb is of "great importance" because “the burial chambers contain dead who slept their eternal sleep under the god of the dead, Osiris". According to Egyptian mythology, Osiris, god of the underworld, was killed by Set, god of storms, disorder and violence, who shut Osiris in a coffin and threw it in the Nile river. After his body was recovered by Isis, Set tore his body into pieces and threw them back into the river. Isis collected all the pieces and bandaged the body together. This form of Osiris traveled to the underworld in a boat and became god of the dead. The only body part Isis could not locate was the phallus, as it had been eaten by catfish.  Isis created a golden phallus and briefly brought Osiris back to life with a spell, which gave her enough time to become pregnant by Osiris before he returned to death. Isis later gave birth to Horus, who became seen as a representation of new beginnings and the destroyer of the evil Set. Featured image: Inside the replica of the tomb dedicated to the god Osiris. Photo credit: MinProject (Archaeological Mission Canaria-Toscana). 

By April Holloway
